Jan 14, 2009

My digital cultural evangalist is moving on to better things

Wow, I really have some strong mixed emotions about an e-mail I got earlier today at work.

First, was the “OH NO!” reaction. I’m truly saddened that Leah Jones, Edelman's digital culture evangelist, is leaving the company. Since we met at Edelman's 2008 Summer School in Chicago, where I drank the Kool-Aid of digital culture and communications that she so expertly mixed, I have learned something from Leah nearly every day as I plunged more deeply into the digital world. I will truly miss Leah's energy, wisdom and evangelical zeal for advancing digital culture.

On the flip side came a “Good for you!” endorphin hit. I’m very excited to know that Leah will continue to influence the growth of digital culture worldwide while working toward her dream of moving to Israel. What a great and perfect opportunity for her!

I will continue to follow @leahjones through Twitter, and on FaceBook and her blog site—so she's not rid of me yet by any means. Fair warning, Leah!

I wish you continued success in your new endeavors, my digital friend.

Fond regards, congratulations, and good luck!

Ed Schoaps

1 comment:

  1. Ed,

    Thank you so much for this... It was a hard decision to make, but I'm ready to try these tools out in the wilds of the music industry. I'm adding your RSS feed right now and will definitely see you on twitter.

    Thank you!
